VIMA: General Robot Manipulation with Multimodal Prompts

ICML 2023

1Stanford; 2Macalester College, now at Allen Institute for AI; 3NVIDIA; 4Caltech; 5Tsinghua; 6UT Austin
Work done during the first author's internship at NVIDIA
Equal Contribution Equal Advising


Prompt-based learning has emerged as a successful paradigm in natural language processing, where a single general-purpose language model can be instructed to perform any task specified by input prompts. Yet task specification in robotics comes in various forms, such as imitating one-shot demonstrations, following language instructions, and reaching visual goals. They are often considered different tasks and tackled by specialized models. We show that a wide spectrum of robot manipulation tasks can be expressed with multimodal prompts, interleaving textual and visual tokens. Accordingly, we develop a new simulation benchmark that consists of thousands of procedurally-generated tabletop tasks with multimodal prompts, 600K+ expert trajectories for imitation learning, and a four-level evaluation protocol for systematic generalization. We design a transformer-based robot agent, VIMA, that processes these prompts and outputs motor actions autoregressively. VIMA features a recipe that achieves strong model scalability and data efficiency. It outperforms alternative designs in the hardest zero-shot generalization setting by up to 2.9x task success rate given the same training data. With 10x less training data, VIMA still performs 2.7x better than the best competing variant.

Multimodal prompts for task specification. We observe that many robot manipulation tasks can be expressed as multimodal prompts that interleave language and image/video frames. We propose VIMA, an embodied agent capable of processing mulitimodal prompts (left) and controlling a robot arm to solve the task (right).

VIMA: Visuomotor Attention Agent

VIMA architecture. We encode the multimodal prompts with a pre-trained T5 model, and condition the robot controller on the prompt through cross-attention layers. The controller is a causal transformer decoder consisting of alternating self and cross attention layers that predicts motor commands conditioned on prompts and interaction history.

VIMA-Bench: Benchmark for Multimodal Robot Learning

We provide 17 representative tasks with multimodal prompt templates, which can be procedurally instantiated into thousands of individual instances by various combinations of textures and tabletop objects.

Simple Object Manipulation

Visual Goal Reaching

Novel Concept Grounding

One-shot Video Imitation

Visual Constraint Satisfaction

Visual Reasoning


We answer three main questions during experiments:

  • 1. What is the best recipe for building multi-task transformer-based robot agents with multimodal prompts?
  • 2. What are the scaling properties of our approach in model capacity and data size?
  • 3. How do different components, such as visual tokenizers, prompt conditioning, and prompt encoding, affect robot performance?

Evaluation Results

Scaling model and data. Top: We compare performance of different methods with model sizes ranging from 2M to 200M parameters. Across all model sizes and generalization levels, VIMA outperforms baseline variants. Bottom: For a fixed model size of 92M parameters we compare the effect of imitation learning dataset size with 0.1%, 1%, 10%, and full data. VIMA is extremely sample efficient and can achieve performance comparable to other methods with 10x less data.

Ablation Studies

Ablation on visual tokenizers. We compare the performance of VIMA-200M model across different visual tokenizers. Our proposed object tokens outperform all methods that learn directly from raw pixels, and Object Perceiver that downsamples the object sequence to a fixed number of tokens.

Ablation on prompt conditioning. We compare our method (xattn: cross-attention prompt conditioning) with a vanilla transformer decoder (gpt-decoder) across different model sizes. Cross-attention is especially helpful in low-parameter regime and for harder generalization tasks.


In this work, we introduce a novel multimodal prompting formulation that converts diverse robot manipulation tasks into a uniform sequence modeling problem. We instantiate this formulation in VIMA-Bench, a diverse benchmark with multimodal tasks and systematic evaluation protocols for generalization. We propose VIMA, a conceptually simple transformer-based agent capable of solving tasks such as visual goal reaching, one-shot video imitation, and novel concept grounding with a single model. Through comprehensive experiments, we show that VIMA exhibits strong model scalability and zero-shot generalization. Therefore, we recommend our agent design as a solid starting point for future work.


  title     = {VIMA: General Robot Manipulation with Multimodal Prompts},
  author    = {Yunfan Jiang and Agrim Gupta and Zichen Zhang and Guanzhi Wang and Yongqiang Dou and Yanjun Chen and Li Fei-Fei and Anima Anandkumar and Yuke Zhu and Linxi Fan},
  booktitle = {Fortieth International Conference on Machine Learning},
  year      = {2023}